söndag 28 juni 2009


Bloggen tar uppehåll under sommaren men jag siktar på att återkomma till hösten då studierna återigen tar fart. Något ströinlägg kan eventuellt komma att läggas upp!

Glad sommar på er alla. LCHF:are som vanligt förståndigt folk! ;-)

Små tuggor mättar bättre

Att man ska inte ska vräka i sig maten är ju något mammor propagerar från tidig ålder. Det finns många studier som visar på att man blir mer mätt om man delar upp maten i mindre "tuggor" och detta är alltså ännu en. Om än rätt ny!

Am J Clin Nutr (June 10, 2009). Effect of bite size and oral processing time of a semisolid food on satiation

Background: Food texture plays an important role in food intake regulation. In previous studies we showed a clear effect of viscosity on ad libitum food intake and found indications that eating rate, bite size, and oral processing time (OPT) could play a role.

Objective: The objective was to determine the effect of bite size and OPT of a food on satiation, defined as ad libitum food intake.

Design: Twenty-two healthy subjects participated in all 7 test conditions. Bite sizes were free or fixed to small bite sizes ({approx}5 g) or large bite sizes ({approx}15 g). OPT was free (only in combination with free bite size) or fixed to 3 or 9 s. Subjects consumed chocolate custard through a tube, which was connected to a peristaltic pump. Sound signals indicated OPT duration.

Results: Subjects consumed significantly more when bite sizes were large than when they were small (bite size effect: P < 0.0001) and when OPT was 3 s rather than 9 s (OPT effect: P = 0.008). Under small bite size conditions, mean (±SD) ad libitum intakes were 382 ± 197 g (3-s OPT) and 313 ± 170 g (9-s OPT). Under large bite size conditions, ad libitum intakes were much higher: 476 ± 176 (3-s OPT) and 432 ± 163 (9-s OPT) g. Intakes during the free bite size conditions were 462 ± 211 g (free OPT), 455 ± 197 g (3-s OPT), and 443 ± 202 g (9-s OPT).

Conclusion: This study shows that greater oral sensory exposure to a product, by eating with small bite sizes rather than with large bite sizes and increasing OPT, significantly decreases food intake.

torsdag 4 juni 2009


Frågor i kommentarerna ska jag försöka besvara så småningom. För tillfället har jag fullt upp med andra saker utanför skolan vilket gör att ni måste ha tålamod.

Trevligt för övrigt att det är så många som har hittat hit.

Angående dietistutbildningen kan jag berätta att vi lär oss att se kritiskt på den kunskap vi ska lära oss. Jag själv tycker att LCHF är intressant i vissa aspekter så helt anti-LCHF är jag inte.

onsdag 3 juni 2009

Vill du bli på bättre humör? Tugga tuggummi

På köpet får du minskad kortisolfrisättning samt minskad stress.

Chewing gum alleviates negative mood and reduces cortisol during acute laboratory psychological stress.

The notion that chewing gum may relieve stress was investigated in a controlled setting. A multi-tasking framework which reliably evokes stress and also includes performance measures was used to induce acute stress in the laboratory. Using a randomised crossover design forty participants (mean age 21.98 years) performed on the multi-tasking framework at two intensities (on separate days) both while chewing and not chewing. Order of workload intensity and chewing conditions were counterbalanced. Before and after undergoing the platform participants completed the state portion of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Bond-Lader visual analogue mood scales, a single Stress Visual Analogue Scale and provided saliva samples for cortisol measurement. Baseline measures showed that both levels of the multi-tasking framework were effective in significantly reducing self-rated alertness, calmness and contentment while increasing self-rated stress and state anxiety. Cortisol levels fell during both levels of the stressor during the morning, reflecting the predominance of a.m. diurnal changes, but this effect was reversed in the afternoon which may reflect a measurable stress response. Pre-post stressor changes (Delta) for each measure at baseline were subtracted from Delta scores under chewing and no chewing conditions. During both levels of stress the chewing gum condition was associated with significantly better alertness and reduced state anxiety, stress and salivary cortisol. Overall performance on the framework was also significantly better in the chewing condition. The mechanisms underlying these effects are unknown but may involve improved cerebral blood flow and/or effects secondary to performance improvement during gum chewing.


tisdag 2 juni 2009


SVT rapporterar idag om något jag följt med intresse en tid. Nämligen ett nytt mättnadspiller. På SVT text-tv finns följande att läsa:

"En forskargrupp vid Lunds universitet har kunnat visa att ämnet thylakoider som finns i gröna blad som spenat både sänker halten av blodfetter och håller en mätt i åtminstone sex timmar.

I en pilotstudie gick feta personer ned två kilo i vikt när de tog piller med thylakoider - trots att de samtidigt uppmanades att äta som vanligt.

Professor Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson säger att gröna "mättnadspiller" med thylakoider kan stoppa det sug efter socker som framkallas av den saltrika snabbmaten."

Förhoppningsvis kan det vara något som hjälper överviktiga i deras strävan mot viktnedång.